Well, it took a year, but I finally got all of the Komarov 7's and 12's into my office in California. This is a small document of a small punk scene in Oklahoma City, OK in the early 2010's.
I know this is a departure from the Americana style of releases we've been doing for the last 3 years, but there's a direct line involved. You see, this type of music is where everything started for me.
I started going to punk shows in Tulsa around 15 years ago. I met most of my friends at these shows and we all were eventually in different bands, or in each other's bands. As we grew up we all splintered and moved around, as often happens.
Fast forward to our late 20's and early 30's and most of us had slowed down a bit, gotten normal jobs, started families, whatever. Some of us translated that into our music, and then some of us stayed hard, fast, and loud.
These Komarov Records releases are those. The energy inside these short Splits, EP's, and Albums is insane. Going through them is like opening up a chapter in a favorite book for me. It reminds me of the first apartment I had in Edmond. It reminds me of working in the mall and Jamie coming by to chat with Zak. It reminds me of deciding to leave Oklahoma, and it reminds me of why I started this label in the first place. It reminds me of hot, humid days and driving to meet Joe at Dad HQ and seeing him and Jamie's excitement when the Komarov 12" had arrived.
It may not be your style, but to me it's no different than anything else I've put out because it's music I enjoy and love. It's music that brings out different emotions and reminds me of different places and different times. It's honest and pure. It's amazing, and I hope you love it, too.
- kris
P.S. We're donating the profit from all streams and sales of Komarov Records to charities in Oklahoma in Jamie's memory.