Abney said the lead into every album feels different from the last one. Each record was its own journey.
“Album releases are funny because they’re obstacles to be overcome,” he said. “You complete all these tasks and it’s a good time to kind of measure yourself and what you’ve learned.”
What Abney has learned this time around is that any challenge left neglected will eventually consume you. Life can be tough, but it is always rolling forward.
“You have to fight your battles,” he said, “and even if you lose them, you have to keep moving. That’s something I have to tell myself every day.”
Abney knows his suffering is not special. In 2017, he dealt with the same things countless other people have before and many will go on to experience in the future. It’s not the challenge that makes anyone unique, but what comes from it.
“Everyone deals with these things,” Abney said, “it’s just a matter of how you’re going to deal with it.”
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