Press — M Lockwood Porter
SKIN BACK ALLEY - Album review: M.Lockwood Porter | 27
SKIN BACK ALLEY - Album review: M.Lockwood Porter | 27 Artist: M. Lockwood PorterAlbum: 27Our Verdict: 4/5Release date: Out nowFind it at: BandcampReview by: Graeme Blackwell “27 is a mature, full and confident sounding beaut of an album… Songwriters of his calibre are all too rare.” There’s a beautiful loose quality that permeates the music of 27, the new album from Oklahoman born singer and songwriter M.Lockwood Porter. Described by the artist himself as an LP that is essentially “half break-up record, half quarter-life crisis”, it delivers the kind of beguiling roots rock so beloved of those with a penchant...
No Depression - M. Lockwood Porter - 27
M. Lockwood Porter – 27 October 14, 2014, saw the release of the second album by San Franciscoʼs M. Lockwood Porter, 27. There was a good amount of expectation for this album, following great reviews of last yearʼs Judahʼs Gone and a spring release of the stellar split-single “Chris Bell/Secrets.” Iʼm here to tell you that Porter delivered on those expectations with an album that displays strong songwriting that spans a broad-range of genres. In fact, one of the first things that struck me about 27 was the diversity he demonstrates from song to song while still maintaining his own sound. Porter,...
Adobe and Teardrops - M. Lockwood Porter -- 27
Adobe and Teardrops - M. Lockwood Porter -- 27 I've been playing the living fuck out of M. Lockwood Porter's 27. He shared a private Soundcloud playlist with "the media" last week and, based on the play counts, I can tell I'm not the only one.Let me explain to you how powerful this album is: the first song inspired me to break up with the person I was seeing. I could tell she wasn't going to stick around, so after listening to "I Know You're Gonna Leave Me" and crying hysterically, I worked up the courage (for like a week)...
Various Small Flames - M. LOCKWOOD PORTER – 27
M. LOCKWOOD PORTER – 27 A few months back we featured a double A-side single from San Francisco-based folk/country artist M. Lockwood Porter. Now he has just released his second full-length album, 27, and we feel compelled to tell you about it (it’s really good). The album opens with ‘I Know You’re Gonna Leave Me’, which starts as what appears to be a peppy little folk/country song. But some sudden electric guitars kick things up a notch and by the end the thing is a fully-fledged rock song, with crashing drums and Porter’s repeated cry of “I know you’re gonna...