Press — M Lockwood Porter
Adobe and Teardrops: How To Dream Again
M. Lockwood Porter -- How to Dream Again It's an election year, so it should come as no surprise that there's going to be a lot of political music floating around out there this year. You can have your opinions about that, but I'm always down for a good protest song. M. Lockwood Porter, recently emancipated from his classroom duties, has armed us with a some truly great ones. For me, the political songs that resonate the most are the ones that strike that perfect balance between immediacy and timelessness. (For example, I'm not such a huge fan of Two...
Wannabe: "How To Dream Again"
"How To Dream Again" by M. Lockwood Porter
(Click above for the 6 panel comic...)
"Whether Porter’s addressing historical figures or current societal issues, this album deserves your full attention and shouldn’t be reserved for mere auditory wallpaper." Wannabe reviews M. Lockwood Porter's new album "How To Dream Again."
Three Chords and the Truth - M Lockwood Porter - 27
Three Chords and the Truth - M Lockwood Porter - 27 More known for projecting the talent of south coast England, the good guys from Hidden Trail Records and At the Helm Records have teamed up, broadened their wings and delivered a brand new sound from the west coast of America in the guise of M Lockwood Porter. Titled 27 for the obvious rock n’ roll reason, this is Porter’s first European release and unveils an album cut and primed in the model Americana tradition. Underpinned by a combination of folk spirit, singer-songwriter sentiment and rock drive, the record delivers...